How to install windows 10

  1. Insert the CD/DVD in CD/DVD Drive or USB plugin in USB port.
  2. Press the Boot key for installation of windows 10 (Boot key depend on your PC Manufacturer such as (HP, F9), (Dell, F12), (Lenovo, F12)).
  3. After showing Boot Menu Select Boot Device such as USB or CD/DVD.
  4. After Follow the above steps show this line on your screen. If Insert CD/DVD (Press any key to boot from CD or DVD……) or If insert USB so then show this line (Press any key to boot from USB……)
  5. Next screen, show three options (Language to install, Time and currency format, Keyboard or Input method) select all options according to region and click on next button.
  6. Next, Click on Install Now button.
  7. Next step ask product key if you have product key type otherwise click on I don’t have product key.
  8. Next, select operating system edition such as ( windows 10 pro ) and click on next button.
  9. After this click on  check box “I accept the license terms” after black tick, on click on next button.
  10. Again ask show two options (Upgrade, Custom) click on custom install for clean installation of windows 10.
  11. select hard disk and click on new ,show apply button, click on apply button, show dialog box, click on ok button.
  12. After this select partition and click on format, show dialog box, click on ok button and click on next button.
  13. After these steps wait a several minutes for complete these steps (Copying Windows files, Getting files ready for installation, Installing features, Installing updates, Finishing up) restart PC or Laptop.
  14. One time more restart PC or Laptop.
  15. Wait for next, after several minutes next screen ask keyboard layout select according to your region and click on yes button.
  16. After this ask second keyboard layout click on skip button.
  17. next screen ask about internet connection click on “I don’t have internet”.
  18. After this ask for more features click on “Continue with limited setup”.
  19. Next step ask user name, type user name such as (Get Software) after types the user name click on next button.
  20. After this ask password do you want set password type password and click on next if do you want not set password without type password click on next button.
  21. Next ask services click on accept button.
  22. Wait few minutes show on screen this line ( Leave every to us) after this show final screen of windows 10.

Windows 10 installation using pictures

System Requirements



64-bit processor with at least 1GHz and 2 processor cores.

Memory(RAM)At least 4GB
StorageAt least 64GB
System FirmwareUEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface)
SecuritySecure Boot and TPM (Trusted Platform Module) Version 2.0
Graphics CardDirectX12 or WDDM 2.0 drivers
DisplayHDD 720p (High Definition Display)

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